3 Cops Talk - Rebuilding Community Trust
Welcome to 3 Cops Talk. On this podcast, three active-duty police officers discuss behind the scenes stories and real-life accounts of what it's like to be a cop. Every episode, You'll get an inside look at the challenges and dangers they face on a daily basis, as well as the triumphs and inspirational moments that make it all worth it. If you want to understand more about the men and women who put their lives on the line for us every day, and what they are dong to mend the relationship between civilians and police, then this is the show for you!
3 Cops Talk - Rebuilding Community Trust
On the Front Lines of DUI Enforcement with Traffic Officer Zach Azari
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According to a recent study, South Carolina leads the United States in DUI related fatalities.
So on this episode, we’re joined by Zach Azari, an accomplished Traffic Officer from South Carolina who specializes in DUI detection, enforcement and education.
As a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE), DRE Instructor, SFST Instructor and NASBlA Seated Battery Instructor with close to 600 DUI arrests, Zach’s recognized knowledge and experience provide us with some sobering details about one of the leading causes of motor vehicle related deaths in the United States.
Email: 3copstalk@gmail.com
Website: https://www.3copstalk.com
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